Member Directory

Alphabetical Listing

DHCHD is a complete health system, starting with clinics, hospital, Home Health, Assisted Living, Nursing Home, and Hospice. The employees are committed to giving each individual the care and attention that is needed in the healing process. The Board of Directors have added facilities and providers as the community continues to grow and prosper. Technology has expanded and will continue as government mandates require that health records become accessible and secure. We are a vital part of the Dalhart community and will strive to make the community healthier. I am thankful for the community and the individuals that have worked so hard to make Dalhart better.

Complete Water Well Service
Water Well Drilling and Test Holes
Domestic Drilling & Pump Service
Turbine & Submersible
Casing Puller

Serving the Texas Panhandle, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Colorado since 1947

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